The Glory Era

Puteri Saadong was carried by Paduka Cik Siti to Bukit Marak directly after her mother was died. Then, in 1667, she was crowned as the King of Kelantan in shortly, she was the second tsarina of Kelantan.  She was really beautiful and a kind hearted princess. Silently, her beauty attracts the attention of Siam’s emperor to marry her. A wedding proposal was sent but rejected by Paduka Cik Siti as she never like him. To save Puteri Saadong from continuously being hunted by the Siam’s emperor, she arranged a marriage between Puteri Saadong and Raja Abdullah (Puteri Saadong’s cousin) which also the king of South Jembal. Puteri Saadong was only 15 years old at the time she was married. They were crowned at Kota Tegayong which also known as Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga Cherang Tegayong. After the marriage, they moved to Kota Mahligai which now this place was at the district of Melor and Raja Abdullah was the king of Kota Mahligai directly after they move. Because of his strong love towards Puteri Saadong, a pool was built as a gift for his beautiful wife.  
A site which had ever being the pool of Puteri Saadong

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