Galleria of Princess

                  A teater of Puteri Saadong by students from SMK Puteri Saadong
Pedigree of Raja Sakti
Pedigree of the Kings of Kelantan

A vessel replica which ever been used by Puteri Saadong for voyage purpose
Another view of the vessel
Note of Che Siti Wan Kembang with the supernatural chop made by genuine leather of white deer
Main entrance of Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga, a site which had ever being a city of administration by Puteri Saadong
A site where which had ever being a place of swing by Puteri Saadong
Raja Tengku Putri Anis Raja Sazali was crowned as the 7th descendant of Puteri Saadong on June 10, 2010

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